
Definition of compulsive liar vs pathological liar
Definition of compulsive liar vs pathological liar

definition of compulsive liar vs pathological liar

It is common for pathological liars to tell multiple contradictory stories at the same time, which they are frequently unable to control. The world is distorted for them, and they are unable to distinguish between reality and their own fantasies. Pathological liars are not only dishonest, but delusional when confronted with proof to the contrary, as they believe their lies regardless of the evidence. Regardless of what they lie, pathological liars are always in the spotlight. It is also illegal for someone to lie in order to get a job or to avoid paying taxes. It can be harmless for someone to lie about their age in order to get into a nightclub. However, pathological lying, as a more serious condition, can be a sign that you are suffering from one, so it is critical to recognize the symptoms and signs of these disorders if you are struggling to tell the truth. In other words, it implies that the vast majority of people who lie are not pathological. The vast majority of lies are pathologically committed, accounting for only 1% of them. People with these disorders typically have a high level of self-confidence and a desire to control their emotions, which can lead to lies to protect their own interests or advance their own dreams. Pathological lying can be a sign of many different psychiatric conditions, but it is most commonly associated with antisocial, narcissistic, and histrionic personality disorders. According to the DSM-5, pathological lying is a rare behavior that accounts for less than 1% of all lies.


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) defines pathological lying as a persistent behavior (e.g., a repeated false statement) that is motivated by the desire to achieve some personal gain rather than the symptoms of another mental disorder. True pathological liars not only deceive themselves, but they also do so despite their own detriment. To be classified as a pathological liar, a person must lie frequently and without reason. People who are pathological liars typically have very insecure and independent characteristics raised by very authoritative and strict parents who do not allow them to express themselves the way they are therefore, they must create a persona that is endearing to and acceptable to their parents in order to avoid punishment, embarrassment, and What Makes A Person A Pathological Liar? Because they are so eager to lie, they can develop trust issues that will lead to even more serious issues down the road.Ĭontempt lying is associated with narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders, which is likely due to a lack of empathy and a desire for exploitative behavior (Ford, King, Hollender, 1988 Baskin-Sommers, Krusemark, and Ronningstam, 2014). Furthermore, they may reveal underlying conditions like bipolar disorder or ADHD.Ī relationship with a pathological liar will be difficult to maintain. The goal of a therapist is to help habitual liars comprehend their condition and how it affects others.


People who lie compulsively should seek professional help from a therapist. Pathological lying is considered a mental health disorder, and can be treated with therapy and medication.Ĭompulsive lying can be treated with medication.

definition of compulsive liar vs pathological liar

The lies told are usually elaborate and detailed, and the person often believes them to be true. Check them out below.A pathological liar, also known as a compulsive liar, is someone who chronically tells lies, regardless of the consequences. No matter the reasons for lies, there are some known psychological reasons for lying. In the end, lies give no real advantages to anyone. Consequently, it also becomes more and more difficult for people marked as liars to demonstrate their sincerity when facts give them a reason. In the end, this will badly affect any relationship by destroying the mutual trust created over time. Everyone can tell a lie from time to time but the problem arises when people make it a habit by transforming their attitudes and behaviors towards everyone. They can harm relationships deeply.Īnalyzing body language is absolutely helpful to reveal liars. Lies can range from being trivial to painful. Some are guilty of the occasional innocent fibbing, while others are compulsively deceitful and manipulative. Lies are a part of life, no matter how we treat them. We all lie at some point in our lives, no matter who we are. But, how well you do in the end will determine which type of liar you are. Lying helps you escape an uncomfortable situation.

Definition of compulsive liar vs pathological liar