
Brown beetle with black and white stripes
Brown beetle with black and white stripes

brown beetle with black and white stripes

However, if you're trying to grow carrots or parsley, their larvae may become a nuisance since they feed almost entirely on these plants. Adults are generally considered to be beneficial insects because they are natural pollinators of flowers and plants. GENERAL INFO: Black swallowtail butterflies are easily identified by their black wings with yellow and sometime pale blue spots.


HOW TO ATTRACT: Adults are attracted to flowers such as red clover, thistle and milkweed. However, if they become a problem for your vegetables, hand picking and disposing of the caterpillars will usually eliminate the problem. HOW TO TREAT: There are not usually large numbers of larvae in one location to overtake and destroy plants. Their larvae however, can be a nuisance to gardeners since they consume the leaves of plants in the parsley family. However, their larvae feed on carrots, celery, parsley and dill.ĮFFECTS ON CROPS: Adult butterflies are not generally considered pests as they help pollinate plants. For large infestations, chemical controls may be needed.įOUND: Black swallowtail butterflies eat mostly nectar from flowers.

brown beetle with black and white stripes

If infestations are small, handpicking and disposing of bagworms is effective. The good news is, trees typically refoliate the next season if the bagworm population is controlled. Tree needles and leaves will be eaten by these insect pests, and heavy infestations could lead to defoliation of the tree. The bags are made of silk and plant foliage, and each one holds an individual bagworm larvae as they feed and mature. GENERAL INFO: Bagworms are easily recognized by the bag they attach to the plants they feed on. Biological insecticides approved for organic gardening like bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki (Bt-k) and spinosad will eliminate these insects. HOW TO TREAT: Natural predators include parasitic wasps, sparrows and white footed mice. They also are found feeding on certain deciduous trees like black locust, honey locust and sycamore.ĮFFECTS ON CROPS: Bagworms injure trees by leaving holes in the foliage that could lead to defoliation of the tree.

brown beetle with black and white stripes

However, if infestations are high, chemical controls may be necessary to completely eliminate these insects.įOUND: Bagworms feed on the needles and leaves of trees in the evergreen species. Many bird species will eat the moths and larvae, helping to control the infestations. Adult moths will migrate to warm climates in the winter and return to Northern areas in the spring to lay their eggs once again. They will feed on a variety of grasses and vegetable crops, damaging both the fruits and the leaves of the plant. GENERAL INFO: Armyworms are the destructive larvae of gray moths. Biological insecticides approved for organic gardening like bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki (Bt-k) and spinosad also work well to eliminate these insects. Organic gardening insecticides like insecticidal soap and neem oil will kill armyworms. HOW TO TREAT: Natural predators include birds, lady beetles, parasitic wasps, minute pirate bugs, lacewings and beneficial nematodes. They can also eat through corn kernels, and damage grass in lawns. As they feed, aphids secrete a sticky substance called honeydew that will attract ants and promote the growth of a black sooty mold on the plant.įOUND: Armyworms feed of the foliage and fruit of many plants and grasses including corn, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce, barley, peppers and beans.ĮFFECTS ON CROPS: Armyworms eat through the leaves of many plants causing them to look skeletonized. If populations are high, some can grow wings in order to move to other plants. They can be green, red, black, brown or yellow in color. Aphids are small, pear-shaped, wingless insects that feed in colonies on the new growth of virtually any plant they come across. GENERAL INFO: There are over 4,000 aphid species found throughout the world. Organic gardening insecticides like insecticidal soap and neem oil will kill aphids. HOW TO TREAT: Natural predators include lady beetles, parasitic wasps, crab spiders, and lacewings. Aphids secrete honeydew as they feed, which attracts ants and causes a black sooty mold to grow on the leaves. They feed on juices from the plant's stems and leaves.ĮFFECTS ON CROPS: Large numbers of aphids can cause leaves to curl and plant growth to become stunted. FOUND: Aphids are found on many plants including fruits, vegetables, trees and shrubs.

Brown beetle with black and white stripes